Moisés Villèlia in his study. Molló 1980.
- He exhibits his first carving at the Museo Municipal in Mataró. He works with his father on the presbytery of the basilica of Santa Maria in Mataró.
- He does his military service in Africa, where he comes into contact with avant-garde art.
- He and his father produce all the cabinet-work for the chapel of Santa Ana (church of Santa Ana, Mataró). Henceforth he devotes himself fully to sculpture and comes into contact with various members of the art world: Cirici Pellicer, Brossa…
- He presents his first solo exhibition, at the Museo Municipal in Mataró. He breaks away from figuration and founds the Art Actual group.
- He takes part in the ninth Salón de Octubre in Barcelona, where his work is the only abstract sculpture presented for the contest. His work begins to cause surprise and makes an impression on Sebastià Gasch and Josep Maria de Sucre.
- At the tenth Salón de Octubre in Barcelona he presents his first cane sculpture.
- He marries the painter Magda Bolumar Chertó. Presented by Club 49, he exhibits at the Sala Gaspar, and the sculptor Ángel Ferrant takes an interest in his work.
- Joan Prats invites leading figures from the international art world to visit the Villèlias in Mataró. They include Joan Miró, James Hohnson Sweeney, Pierre Matisse, Frank O’Hara of the Museum of Modern Art in New York... Miró, Jacques Dupin and Pierre Matisse all buy sculptures by Villèlia. His studio is also visited by Sofu Teshigahara, of the International Institute of aesthetic Reserch in Tokyo, the critic Michel Tapié, the directors of museums, Walter Holzhauser of Bonn, Mr. Kultermann of Leverkusen and the director of the Guggenheim in New York.
- He is selected for the first exhibition at the new Museo de Arte Contemporáneo in Barcelona. He works in collaboration with the FAD’s Art School, directed by Alexandre Cirici, and Adrià Gual’s Dramatic Art Section or School.
- Direction, set and wardrobe jor Joan Brossa’s El bell lloc at the headquarters of the FAD.
- The FEDI (Fundación de Estudios de Diseño Industrial, or Industrial Design Study Foundation), an organization devoted exclusively to promotion and production of industrial designs, is founded in Barcelona at the end of this year. Moisès Villèlia is one of the founders, together with Arrando, Bohigas, Cirici, Coderch, Cumella, Fabià Estapé, Marinel·lo, Marquina, Martorell, the Milà brothers, Moragas, Fargas and Tous.
- He makes a sculpture/separation wall with fiber cement tubes for the Baró de Viver school in Santa Coloma de Gramanet (Barcelona).
- Set and costumes for Strindberg’s Miss Julie at the Guimerà theatre in Barcelona, directed by Carlos Lucena.
- He refuses to represent Spain at the Sao Paulo Biennal but takes part in the group exhibition El Arte y la Paz at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo in Barcelona.
- He temporarily gives up working with cane in order to experiment with new materials such as asbestos cement, concrete, polyester…
- He invents a series of toys and games: Jocs per a infants (Games for Children). These are exhibits in Galería Belarte in Barcelona and presented by the collector and psychiatrist Joan Obiols.
- The French Institute awards him a grant to travel to Paris. He sees Georges Raillard and Yvon Taillandier. He makes a series of books such as El poeta atrapado en un libro (The poet trapped in a book) and Los hombres en calidad de alambre (Men in terms of wire).
- At the French Institute in Barcelona he presents an exhibition of sculpture and drawings made in Paris.
- He travels to Argentina, where he gets to know the Fundación Torcuato di tella, directed by Jorge Romeo Brest.
- Througt Henri Lesson he works on the redesign of Quito’s El Ejido Park.
- He helps with the running of the Galería Siglo XX. With the aid of the Anthropological Institute he studies the seals –pirus and piquenus- of the Quitu-Caras in Ecuador (active from 500BC to 500AD).
- He returns to Barcelona and he and his family start to life in the Pyrenees of Girona province.
- Editorial Polígrafa publishes the first monographic study on his work.
- He participates in an exhibition organized by the Banco Central de Ecuador (Guayaquil) in connection with the second Latin-American Symposium on Bamboo.
- He experiments with the introduction of ceramic material into his work, combining it with bamboo.
- He writes a play, El artista.
- At the exhibition at the Espais gallery in Girona is performed the play El artista.
- He makes a sculpture in iron, seven meters high, in the Plaza de la Brisa, Mataró (Barcelona).
- He dies in Barcelona on 28 September.
His works can be found in several public collections. Some of them are:
MNCARS (Reina Sofía National Museum Art Center ), Madrid.
MACBA (Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art).
MNAC (National Museum of Art of Catalonia), Barcelona.
Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, USA.
Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum, Duisburg, Germany.
IVAM (Valencian Institute of Modern Art).
Museo de Bellas Artes de Valencia
Museo Patio Herreriano, Valladolid.
Museo ARTIUM, Vitoria-Gasteiz.
Collection La Caixa, Barcelona.
Collection of the Zaragoza City Council
Fundación Joan Miró, Barcelona.
The Institute of Aesthetic Research, Tokyo, Japan and Unit States.
They can also be found in private collections in Germany, England and France.
MACBA (Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art).
MNAC (National Museum of Art of Catalonia), Barcelona.
Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, USA.
Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum, Duisburg, Germany.
IVAM (Valencian Institute of Modern Art).
Museo de Bellas Artes de Valencia
Museo Patio Herreriano, Valladolid.
Museo ARTIUM, Vitoria-Gasteiz.
Collection La Caixa, Barcelona.
Collection of the Zaragoza City Council
Fundación Joan Miró, Barcelona.
The Institute of Aesthetic Research, Tokyo, Japan and Unit States.
They can also be found in private collections in Germany, England and France.